Port Qasim LNG Terminal 300 225 Technica Ltd

Port Qasim LNG Terminal


Grimsby-based engineering design company, Technica, has completed the multi-disciplined detailed design for the LNG import terminal in Port Qasim, Pakistan.

Working on behalf of American Floating LNG Solutions Provider, Excelerate Energy, Technica completed onshore and offshore construction in February and have since assisted local contractors with the testing and commissioning of the facility. The project will increase gas availability in the country by up to 15 percent.

Explains John Davison, Managing Director at Technica: “We were contracted in May 2014 by Excelerate Energy to deliver a multi-discipline detailed design and procurement management for the LNG terminal. Our team of design engineers completed the original contract on time and were asked to assist site construction personnel with the testing and commissioning of the facility.”

Pakistan is facing critical and growing gas shortages that have disrupted the economy and everyday life. Its gas deficit is projected to double, by the end of 2015, to almost 2,000bscfd. The Port Qasim project has a maximum discharge capacity of 690mmscfd which will enable it to contribute greatly toward easing Pakistan’s ongoing energy crisis.

Natural gas accounts for almost half of Pakistan’s energy mix. To bridge the gas gap, Pakistan is working on transnational pipelines, encouraging additional local production, and promoting LNG import. Pakistan’s gas market is highly developed and there is an urgent need to import LNG.

Concludes John: “The LNG import terminal in Port Qasim provides fast-track gas supplies for the country to ensure continued economic growth. Switching from expensive fuel oils to cheaper, environmentally friendly LNG will reduce carbon emissions, decrease road congestion, increase electricity availability for consumers and provide the Pakistan economy considerable fuel savings each year.”

LNG: Liquefied Natural Gas
BSCFD: Billion Standard Cubic Feet per Day
MMSCFD: Million Standard Cubic Feet per Day