Bryan Creed Leaves Technica
On the 30th June Bryan Creed, Technical Director and co-owner left Technica Ltd after more than 10 years with the company. In Bryan’s farewell to the staff he commented on how enjoyable it has been seeing Technica grow from small beginnings to the successful business it has become. Bryan went on to say that when he and John Davison (Managing Director) started the business neither of them could have foreseen where that decision would have taken them. Bryan thanked the staff, past and present, for all their efforts and hard work over the years and contributing to putting Technica where it is today. Bryan made a point of singling out John Davison for thanks for the support John has shown over the years and especially recently as Bryan struggled with his decision on where he wanted to go with his future.
Bryan explained that building a business from scratch had been challenging, sometimes stressful but also very rewarding. He went on to say that Technica had come such a long way as a business and now had a strong customer base and a very competent team to take the business forward to even greater heights. Bryan continued; “I have been doing a lot of self-analysis in the last year as I came to terms with what would be required personally to take the business to the next level and during this personal development realised that I had come to a cross roads. For over 10 years I have put Technica first and I realised that what I wanted now was to put my family and myself first; obviously I have had long discussions with John as this would affect him almost as much as myself; we have been busy preparing a contingency plan over the last few months in case this was my final decision. We are now happy that everything is in place to allow Technica to move forward and fulfil John’s ambitions for the business. He, with the support of his management team, is confident that Technica will carry on moving forward and continue in the success we both have built. I am an engineer at heart and will remain in engineering going forward but my initial plans are to simply have a break and spend time with Maria, my wife.
John Davison concluded; “Bryan and I started our careers as apprentices many years ago so his departure is going to take some getting used to personally. We have been putting a strong team together over the last few years and we have an established client base. Together with the recent development of a number of exciting opportunities I am confident Technica will go from strength to strength”.
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